SOME PEOPLE TODAY DO NOT LIKE CHILDREN. The whore hates the offspring of her whoredom. The whoremonger, hates the offspring of his foolishness. So much so, they murder them. |
"THE LORD ABHORS THE BLOODY MAN. Ps.5:6 God calls the fornicator and adulterer a fool. It is the idiot who kills a child in the womb. God says, "he who sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God he created man." Gen. 9:6 The wise man plans his life around having children. If he also fears and obeys the Lord: he will be prosperous: he shall eat the labour of his hands. he shall be happy it shall go well for him Ps.128:2 Dynasties and nations have often sprung from one man. Abraham is the father of the Jewish and Arabic people. Obviously nations and dynasties can only become great if men have offspring. GOD gives conception. Offspring are a result of God' blessing, "As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that has his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed but will speak with their enemies at the gate."(Triumph over them) Ps. 127:5 |